Immigrants And International Students Boost Exports
Economists have concluded that increasing exports and imports is a significant benefit that countries gain from admitting immigrants and international students. New research finds international students provide more of an economic boost than previously thought.
International students benefit the United States in several ways, according to analysts. These benefits include providing a way for U.S. students to experience other cultures without leaving their college campuses. International students also subsidize the tuition that U.S. students pay, encourage more to enter technology-related fields and are a significant source of talent for employers. Many international students also become entrepreneurs and create highly successful companies.
New research addresses a different benefit of international students—the way they expand trade, which helps U.S. workers and consumers. “Total immigration has a significantly positive effect on exports: a 10% increase in total immigrants is associated with a 2.6% increase in exports from the host to the origin country,” according to a study by Lena Susanne Specht at the UCD School of Economics, University College Dublin.
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